
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2014


-Ok kids, now make a drawing of your mother and write some good wishes for her, mother's day is coming, and I want you to make this as a gift- the teacher said to her kindergarden classroom. Everyone started inmediately to make the drawings. Miss Lindsey smiled, and drank a bit of her coffee. She wasn't able to sleep the last night. She got a nightmare, about one of her students, she couldn't say which of them, but there was a shadow in a closet, that was what she remembered the most. A horrible shadow, with a long hand, trying to take the hand of the little kid while she was protecting her student. She talked with her husband, who was a psychologist, and he told her that she had a big wish to be a mother. Miss Lindsey had a problem, she wasn't able to birth. When she got the news, she was really sad, because what she always wanted the most was to be a mother. That was why she was working there as a teacher for the little kids. That way, she could somehow protect th


Shiny was a little girl. She had a problem in the skin, and even if she was black, she had white spots all over it. Because she never saw someone with the same problem, she started to think she was weird and different. So she pulled everyone away, and tried so hard to be alone, because she was afraid of what people have always done. Hate, hate, hate and be hattred, said the man on the news, talking about war because of the color of the skin, and about murders because of the ideas or the preferences. Even if her parents were always helping her to feel loved and normal, they talked about homosexuality as an abnormality of hell, and about the chinese they were always making cruel jokes always full of hate. She got scared. Even her parents hated, so why wouldn't the rest of the world? But, one day, she looked through the window, and saw a boy looking back at her. She got scared, but then she noticed that the smile in the face of the boy was just so warm, and his eyes were so sincer


La madre se había quedado encerrada afuera. Miraba con desesperación hacia el edificio que una vez le pareciera tan seguro, su casa. Gritaba sin parar, intentando despertar sin éxito a los vecinos. Su celular estaba descargado. -Mamá, no quiero dormir- dijo el pequeño con mirada desesperada.  -¿Por qué?- dijo la madre, con una sonrisa tranquilizadora.  -Hay algo debajo de mi cama...  Algo se movía en la ventana. Era su niño, su pequeño hijo. En la ventana del ático, el niño la miraba asustado, llorando. La madre le hizo señas para que se callara, pero el pequeño no podía escucharla, y no entendía que significaba el movimiento desesperado de sus manos.  -No hay nada debajo de tu cama- contestó la madre, recordando que ella solía decir eso cuando era una niña, y sus padres aún estaban con vida.  -¿Podrías asomarte?- pregunta el niño, temblando.  De pronto, el niño se vuelve rápidamente, y desaparece del marco de la ventana. La madre grita, no puede abandonar ese sit